Samurai DickPretty Asian girls are disappearing while on tour in the United States. The notorious Mr. Lobo (Adolph Robbins) and his hench-midget Shank (Mr. Shortstud) are selling them to Third…
I Wanna Be Teased. The story concerns itself with two teenage sisters who find themselves suddenly at odds over the sexual attentions of the shy, but horny star of the…
A couple hires young ladies to entertain wealthy clients. These clients prefer them young, after all, The Younger the Better! This classic is sure to get your blood pumping!
Welcome to the House of Pleasure, a bizarre fantasy world where the exhilarating mistress Dushca doles out her own erotic prescription of pleasure…and pain. Meet Gail, Dushca’s sultry ‘step-daughter’ and…